Monday, April 16, 2007

spring cleaning II

I am so amazed at the human body, moreso I am amazed at what comes out. I'm not trying to be gross and disgusting but You have got to see this. Yesterday, before going to bed, I spent time cleaning my ears (come on really how often do we as people regularly clean our ears) anyways, this morning chunks of ear wax were falling out of my right ear. The above is one of those chunks. Its hard to believe that was lodged in my ear. Can you believe the size of that thing?

Click on the picture to enlarge, seriously, look at the enlarged picture...

I tried to show my wife but she just didn't share that same incredulous feeling.


Zaak said...

Definitely blog worthy. But dude, are you trying to copy me?

I've got some stories to tell you about the human body's capabilities, but um, not on the record.

Zaak said...

Dude, the title of your blog is killing me. I mean, should we be doubting that? Or was there a time when you were like "I want to die" or "I want limbo!"

much-ado said...

about the whole title of the blog thing...when I first started this whole blog thing I couldn't think of an apt I thought well really...we as human beings can't live without sharing of ourselves in some way or another...and I wanted to share something...hence the whole reason for the then to me sharing is an essential part of then I want to share equals I want to live.

Sistah Girl said...

Mike- thats just nasty


Chelsita said...

Wow mike!
That is one huge chunk of wax! Kind of interesting but more gross. I think that you need to clean your ears on a more regular basis... The next time I talk to you I will try to talk a little louder so that the message gets past the ear