Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I'm not mom but I am DAD

So this morning I took a personal day from work (which I have to pay a portion of...really ticks me off) and spent the day with my family. On Wed. mornings my little girl has dance lessons. I dropped the family off at the studio and ran an errand. When I came back and as I was walking to the parents waiting room I had to pass Zoe's dance room. As I was walking past I could hear Zoe excitedly speaking to her dance teacher, "Miss Dana, my daddy is here, he came to watch me dance, he didn't go to work." Then she turned around and saw me at which point she screamed out loud to her teacher, "Miss Dana, that's my daddy, the daddy is here." Then she looks at me and says, "Daddy, I love you."

Given the events of last weekend, I may not be mom, but damn, I am "the daddy"! If ever I needed affirmation of me as a parent, that was it.


Zaak said...

I can identify, sort of:

Zaak: "Papa loves Blaise."
Blaise: "Yeah."
Zaak: "Do you love papa?"
Blaise: "Yeah."
Zaak: "Do you want to drink battery acid?"
Blaise: "Yeah."

Amber said...

That brought tears to my eyes Mike:) I'm looking forward to when my kids are big enough to tell me they love me.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Papas are pretty special! That is a great story, and you will be really happy you wrote it down, because those moments are wonderful... and then you can remind them when they are teens that they really did used to like you! :)

Lori M

much-ado said...

true indeed, Lori. Are you the Lori M. that used to be Lori W.?

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes. You finally caught on! :) I am enjoying reading your blog! It is great to see what is going on in your life! And to hear about your beautiful kids! :)

Lori M (used to be W)

Sistah Girl said...

Thats the cutest story ever Mike!
And as for your comment on my blog about the concert- yes that actually was a real patron's letter. I was pretty angry the day that one came out. If you go to
there should be a link to all the letters after that one. Made me feel better:)